ATM:s and visual impairment

I thought a lot about the ATM-machine seen in the video. I think there are several solutions to the problem. One solution, which I mentioned in an earlyer blog post is yet again standardization. Edison had a real problem finding the hole where hole would put the plug for his earphones. If the position of the hole were standardized to, lets say, the lower right corner, the problem would be much smaller. Other things like the position of the buttons, could also be standardized to help him.

Another thing I noticed was that he tried to withdraw too much the first time. A simple voice saying “You want to withdraw X dollars and Y cents, to confirm, press enter” would help very much in this case. Now he have to guess that he has gotten the correct amount of money.

Another solution could be to implement a speaker that gives the instructions whenever you press any button without inserting the bank card first. This way, the machine could either tell the user where to put the headphones or just give all the instructions through the speaker. I think that due to stigmatization, this would only be a complement to the written instructions that were shown in the video. This way the user would have possibility to choose how to use the system.