Lecture 10 – Reflection, User Experience Evaluation

User experience and usability are two very important topics that companies tend to forget about. Especially when it comes to aid for impaired people. Usability is about efficiency, is the interaction efficient then it is usable. But is usability enough to develop a good product? How important is the user experience? Is it worth the time and money to think about experience? It is very important, but it tends to be pushed aside sometimes.

User experience is a about feelings and emotion, which can be very hard to measure. Usability is a little easier because tests to measure efficiency and effectiveness is just about time different assigned tasks. But how do you measure emotion? I do not think a person could easily describe what they are feeling when interacting with a device.

User experience in universal design would be a great thing. If a person feels great his emotions will reflect on people around and it will lower the stigmatization and the feeling of being less valued that can occur in many situations. The evaluation should be about what a person is missing and what could make it better.