Blind man group – Problem description

Imagine what it would be like to go shopping for groceries without being able to see. How would you know where to start, where are the different groceries you need in the store? Who do you even know where you are? Will you be able to find your way out of the labyrinth called supermarket?

Some products in the store can easily be identified by touch such as most of the fruits and vegetables. But finding the right product of the right brand is difficult without help from someone who is able to see and can read the labels. How would you know if you are holding a can of mushrooms or a can of corn? Can you feel the difference? Can you taste the difference or can you hear the difference? No! 285 million people around the world struggle with this every day. The grocery stores have no aid, as far as we know, for the visually impaired, in Sweden, today.

Not being able to buy your own groceries make you dependent of someone else. How would you feel if you always have to adapt your shopping to someone else’s calendar, probably not very independent.

We believe that there is room for a solution for people with vision impairment to shop for groceries in a smooth and easy way.

Hopefully a solution to this will not deprive anyone of their social interaction with people, but just work as an aid if a person wants to feel more independent.