Reflection – The Future: Too crammed spaces

A lot of the things I have seen in this course that I think we should focus on in the future has a lot to do both with interaction, interface and information. In this case, I don’t see them as really different parts, and one thing I really have reacted to applies to all three.

The thing that really annoys me is when developers try to cram too much into a small space. Saving space is probably good when you don’t have much of it, but it really means that the thing will be much more difficult to user or understand. The most obvious example we saw was the stair climbing wheelchair which had a very crammed interface, but I think there can be many other examples.

The first thing I think developers really should think about is “do we really need all these options”? Probably not. I think that developers today tend to “get lost” in their own design, meaning that they try to implement everything at once, not thinking if it is really needed.

If the answer is that everything really is needed, then they need to figure out a good way to implement it so it would be understandable enough. I don’t really have a good suggestion to solve that problem, but I think their can be several really good ones.