Blind rills (pair excercise)

We, Joakim Järvinen and Johanna Löfvenberg, went to the central station and studied the aids for blind people that exist there and elsewhere in town. We could feel the bumps and the rifles on the ground when we were standing on them, but we believe that it can be difficult to feel them with thick-soled shoes. However with a blind cane they should be quite easy too feel even with really thick soles. At some crossings there were poles that had an arrow protruding at the top, making it possible for blind people to feel the direction of the crossing. We thought this was pretty clever, but we cannot imagine how blind people find their way even with these aids. We did not want to try to walk using them with our eyes closed due to the amount of people who where hustling at the station, but we might have tried it if there had been less people there at the time. However, it is hard to imagine that these aids are sufficient for blind people to navigate. On the other hand is it hard to see what could be used as to help more with getting from point A to point B. We are also curious of how the blind learn of the aids. Is there information somewhere, or do they just learn by trial and error?

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