Reflections, iBot

I liked the idea with iBot. One of the biggest disadvantages of being placed in a wheelchair is that you are immediately half the length of everyone else. It seems like every one is looking down one you as if you were less valued than the rest. This solution is heading in the right direction, but it is still not all the way there. When it was in “Standing mode” it seemed as it lost a lot of speed and mobility which, of course, probably is for safety. But if you take a look at Segway, I have tried one of those, they are really fast. So a combination between iBot and Segway would make it more useful and make it less stigmatizing for disabled.

There is also of course the design. It does not look very “cool” and, in standing position, you are still sitting. What if there was a way to make the person in half standing position. Maybe it is to hard and to much of a struggle for the impaired, but it would lower the stigmatization, because then a person could communicate in the same height and get the idea of how tall the impaired person is.

1 thought on “Reflections, iBot

  1. I think the issue of a cool design is very important. The iBot in the movie did not really look too designed, and there could be many improvements to the design from an aesthetic point of view. I think the half-standing position, for some people, might be a good idea, provided that the chair still can provide a good support for the limbs and the seat. The crucial part is probably that it should still be easy to get in and out of it in an easy way.

    Sadly, the iBot has been discontinued, but maybe there are follow-up solutions that will take the design further.

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