Reflections on lecture 6 – Needs and supportive tools

The exoskeleton robot Ekso is very interesting and I like that there is some progress on this area it make people believe that it anything is possible. I think that it’s fantastic for people who are not able to walk on their own to be able to walk with Ekso. Ekso will make it possible for people do things that they never thought were possible.

The bliss symbols is a really good idea, it was quite easy to understand event though it was the first time I saw it. Which should mean that it will be easy to someone else, to understand the bliss symbols and therefor be able to communicate with people that uses bliss symbols. This would make it possible for doctors, physiotherapists and other people to be able to communicate and help people that uses bliss symbols.

The risks with high-tech solutions could be that the solutions is that they could be to advanced for the user to use. That it takes more time to learn to use the product then the time the product will save the user. I believe that it’s very important for high-tech solutions to be easy and simple to use.

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